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Marketing Goals

Based upon the products and services for sale, each company’s marketing goals must embrace the stated and defined objectives of a company’s program of marketing and sales.

A challenge all marketers need to embrace is that one’s optimism leads one to have goals that may not be achievable or grounded in the realities of the marketplace.

POINTS TO PONDER -  You have taken a family recipe and developed a food product to sell. Everyone who tastes it says it can’t miss. Packing it for sale is only one part of your process. 

To wrestle a large multi-national company off shelf space at your local chain grocer can be quite unrealistic.

You may have to work with a rep firm in order to get access to a buyer who may consider your product. If the buyer likes it, you have to earn your keep.

You may only receive enough space to trial stock one box of your product on an upper or lower shelf. You may have to run several in store promotions, and have a product demonstrator to demo the item as well as give out coupons. Your test run may only be 90 days; and the item better sell. 

If not, the balance of your precious inventory may be escorted to the mark down bin, next to the double doors for the back room.

How to Set Your Marketing Goals

Your marketing goals may deal with many different elements of your business.

You may wish to increase sales, increase awareness of your business, increase visitors to your web site, increase the stickiness of your site, get more repeat clients... the list goes on and on.

Brainstorm what you really want to get out of your business these next few months. Then write down these three things:

1. Your Goal
2. The Strategy to Achieve the Goal
3. How you will Measure the Goal.

You may have several goals or you may start out slowly with one overall goal.